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Features For RJ Ludo

Instant Withdrawal

Immediate Withdrawals, Real-Time Gratification!

10 Minute Game

Speed Gaming: 10 Minutes to Victory


Where Friends Unite, Challenges Await

Beast Mode!

Unleash Your Inner Beast - Activate Beast Mode!

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Faq's RJ Ludo

Rj Ludo is a classic board game that originated in India. It involves moving tokens or pieces around a square board with a cross-shaped design. The objective is to move all your tokens from the starting area to the center of the board, called the home area, before other players do the same.

Typically, Rj Ludo is played by 2 to 4 players. Each player gets their set of colored tokens and takes turns rolling a dice to advance their tokens around the board.

Players take turns rolling a dice and moving their tokens based on the number rolled. The tokens move around the board in a clockwise direction, following the number on the dice. The aim is to get all tokens into the home area by exact count.

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